Guidelines for Homepage Usability

The most essential guide that every Yunus Loop beginner has to read

I. When you open the Yunus Loop home page, the first thing you need to do is select your wallet, click on it, and connect it to Yunus Loop.

Currently, the wallets we support are COINBASE, METAMASK, TRONLINK, TRUSTWALLET, and IMTOKEN:

Ⅱ. Once your wallet has been successfully connected, you will be taken to the Yunus Loop home page.

By clicking on the navigation bar at the top right, you will find information about Yunus Loop, including the ways of earning and participating offered by Yunus; the originator commission, the Borrowing Application, our community, as well as our security audit and safety, the proof of circulation, our video section; and you could also find the path to join us:

III. To start:

① Clicking on the following 3 buttons will take you to the page "How to join Yunus", "Introduction of Yunus Loop", and "Open Source Code" respectively.

② Click "Chat" for customer support in your community.

IV. Scroll down and now you can start to circulate:

➀ Click "Profit" for Yunus Loop's Investment Proposal Table.

➁ Enter the amount you wish to circulate.

➂ Select your circulation duration: You may choose 1 day, 7 days, or 17 days.

④ Click on the "Start Circulation" button to start your transaction.

Ⅴ. By clicking "Enter", you will be able to check the address and order amount of the most recent crypto wallets participating in the Yunus Loop in the Tron browser.

Click on "Access" on the following "Share Link" page and you will see our invitation benefits:

VII. Scroll down and you may see our "Convenient Office".

At this office, "Statistics" shows the cumulative number of users, cumulative circulation, and current circulation in Yunus Loop.

"Personal" records your performance in the Yunus Loop, your total personal circulation, total return, and shared earnings.

Ⅷ. Finally, you are welcome to join our Telegram group, our Telegram channel and keep up to date with our news by clicking on the following logo:

Last updated